Using IC 555 Burglar Alarm Circuit Diagram

The working of this circuit is very easy to understand.In the above circuit IC 555 was used as a A stable multi vibrator.The A stable multivibrator puts out a continuous stream of rectangular pulses having a specified frequency. Thus by using the A stable multivibrator we can produce continuous frequency which was given as input to the speaker which makes an alarm sound in case of any disturbance in its trip wire. Pin diagram of IC 555 was given below for your better understanding.

Now we can see how we can change the A stable Multivibrator to a alarm circuit.In the above circuit the 4th pin (RESET pin) was connected to the ground using the thin strand of copper wire which is used as a trip in this circuit.The function of the 4th pin that it resets the timing interval when it was connected to the ground.
When the wire was connected the Multi vibrator cant produce the rectangular pulses of constant frequency.When the copper strand is cut off then the 4th pin will have no connection with the ground.Therefore IC 555 produces the output pulse and which was given as input to the speaker thus it drives the speaker to give a noise which would scare the burglar away.
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